Monday, 4 February 2013

Carpe diem

I write for pleasure, relaxation and because I believe that I have a story to tell. Mainly I write for me, and yes it would be divine to a prosperous novelist, but not at the cost of a pleasure I have that services my sanity.

Life is short and too often I talk to people who do not have time to ‘smell the roses’. I feel distressed by this as you only get the one shot, why waste it trying to be ‘successful’ but miserable as a person. If you are not content or doing things that make you happy then take a long hard look at your life choices and modify what does not make you happy.

Will it work? I do not know, I do not have a crystal ball but I can state that you will feel happier within yourself.  I have read so many books that write this a theme and we all read them (or watch the movie) and promise to change our own life but that is it. My New Year’s Resolution for 2013 was to take control and live the life I promised myself when I graduated from High School in the 1970s.

It is not easy. This blog is part of my ‘seize the moment’, I have created a blueprint, I have a list of achievements I want to do. It is really remarkable when you look at what you want to achieve and, then match it to what you actually do.  

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Make your plan, add your comments. If you like what I have written then tell you friends. If you don’t like it use the comment box and let me know.

‘Carpe diem’ 

for the future is unforeseen.

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